You will need a basic or a verified MyGovID account to apply.

What is a Contribution Statement?

A Contribution Statement is a summary of your social insurance record in Ireland.

You can see:

  • How many contributions you have, up to the end of the last tax year.
  • Any credits you have received.

Your online record is not a forecast of your State pension.

Who can request a contribution statement?

A contribution statement can be requested by anyone with a MyGovID account.

What will you be asked for?

MyGovID verified account holder

You will not be required to provide any personal details.

MyGovID basic account holder

You will be required to provide the following information: ­Your PPS number,­ name, ­date of birth, address, mother's maiden name. If your PPSN, date of birth or address do not match the information held you will need to attend your local Intreo office to verify your information.

Request now

You will need a basic or a verified MyGovID account to apply.