You will need a verified MyGovID account to apply.

What is Parent’s Benefit?

Parent's Benefit is a payment for people in employment to allow them to take time off work, up to seven weeks, to care for their child.

  • This leave may be taken any time in the first 24 months after they were born.
  • Parent's Benefit leave must be taken in minimum blocks of at least one week.
  • These weeks can be combined up to a maximum of seven weeks depending on their circumstances.
  • You must apply for Parent’s Benefit within six months of taking your parent’s leave.

From August 2024:

  • Parent’s Benefit will increase from 7 weeks to 9 weeks.
  • The additional two weeks of Parent's Leave applies to children who are under the age of 2 in August 2024, or adoptive children who have been placed with their parents for less than two years in August 2024.

Who can get Parent’s Benefit?

You may get Parent’s Benefit if:

  • You have had a child(ren) since 1st November 2019
  • You are currently in employment or self-employment
  • You have enough PRSI contributions

What do I need to complete the application?

Your child must have a PPS Number

Your child will need to be registered and have a PPS Number in order to make the application.

Leave dates

You must know the start date of your leave.

Agreement from your employer

Leave dates need to be agreed with your employer in advance.

Your details

Questions about you, your address, any children and your relationship status.

Apply now

You will need a verified MyGovID account to apply.