You will need a verified MyGovID account to apply.

What is a Jobseeker's Payment?

Jobseeker's is a payment for people who are out of work or have been made part time, to help you support yourself while looking for work

If you lose your job you should apply for a Jobseeker's Payment as soon as possible

If your application is successful, payments will be made weekly to your local post office which you can collect with your Public Services Card

Who can get a Jobseeker's Payment?

You may get Jobseeker's Payment if:

What will you be asked about?

You may be asked for information about:

Your details

Questions about you, your address, any children and your relationship status.

Employment and training information

Questions about your employment history and training or education.

Habitual Residence Condition

Questions about how long you have lived in Ireland, your residences in other countries, and, depending on your circumstances, details about your right to reside in the country.

Your financial information

Questions about any income, savings or investments you or your partner may have.

Support for getting back to work or education

There are a number of ways the Department can help you to find employment.

Click here to learn more about the supports available

Apply now

You will need a verified MyGovID account to apply.