You will need a verified MyGovID account to apply.
What is Fuel Allowance?
Fuel Allowance is a payment to help with the cost of heating your home during the winter months. You may qualify for this payment if you are aged 66 or older, or if you are receiving long-term social welfare payments and satisfy a means test.
Important note
The online application service is not available if you are getting Jobseeker's Allowance, Jobseeker's Transitional Payment, Farm Assist or One-Parent Family Payment. You can only apply through your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office.
If a member of your household is aged 66 or over, they should apply as they may qualify more easily.
Only one person per household can receive this payment. If someone in your household is already receiving this payment, you should not apply.
Who can get Fuel Allowance?
You may get Fuel Allowance if:
- You are aged 66 or over, and satisfy a means test
- You are under the age of 66, and are receiving a qualifying social welfare payment from Ireland, the EU or any other qualifying country and satisfy a means test.
and you live alone or only with:
- A dependent spouse, civil partner or cohabitant and/or dependent children
- A person receiving Jobseeker's Allowance or Supplementary Welfare Allowance
- Other people who are getting a qualifying payment and who would also be eligible for a Fuel Allowance in their own right
- A person who is getting Carer's Allowance or Carer's Benefit and is caring for you or for your dependent spouse, partner or cohabitant on a full-time basis
What do I need to complete the application?
You may be asked for information about:
Your relationship details
You will need to provide your relationship status and may need to provide your partner’s PPS Number.
Your finances
You will be asked questions about your financial situation and if applicable, your partner's financial situation.
Your household details
You will also be asked to confirm if anyone in your household is receiving Fuel Allowance. You will also be asked to provide PPS Numbers of other people living in your household and may be asked to provide their income details.
Your payment details
If are not already receiving a payment from the Department, you will be asked for details of your bank account (IBAN) or your nominated post office.