This application form is in English and must be completed in English. To help translate the questions, you can use online tools such as Google Translate

Who can use this service?

Many Social Welfare payments are paid to customers through the Post Office network. Customers may select their local or preferred Post Office when they apply for a payment.

If you need to change the Post Office that you are being paid at you can use this service. Click here for more information about Post Office locations.

This online service is only available to customers who have come to Ireland from Ukraine under the EU Temporary Directive.

How long does it take to change?

This change will not be automatic. You will be notified when the Post Office has been changed.

What will I be asked for?

MyGovID basic account

You will need a basic or a verified MyGovID account to use this service.

Your personal details

You will be required to provide personal details about yourself so that we can identify you.

Your preferred Post Office

You will be able to search and select for your local or preferred Post Office.


This application form is in English and must be completed in English. To help translate the questions, you can use online tools such as Google Translate