You will need a verified MyGovID account to apply.

What is Maternity Benefit?

Maternity Benefit is a payment for employed and self-employed people who are pregnant, to help you support yourself while on maternity leave from work. It is also available if you have just recently ended employment.

Who can get Maternity Benefit?

You may get Maternity Benefit if:

  • You are pregnant or have recently given birth.
  • You are in, or have very recently ended employment or self employment.
  • You have enough PRSI contributions.
  • You have a completed MB2 from your employer, or if self employed, you have a completed MB3 from your doctor.

What will you be asked about?

You may be asked for information about:

Your details

Questions about you, your address, any children and your relationship status.

Employment details

Questions about your employment and your planned leave from employment.

Apply now

You will need a verified MyGovID account to apply.