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What is an appeal?

If you don’t agree with a decision made by the Department of Social Protection, you can ask  for the decision to be checked by an Appeals Officer. This is called making an appeal. When making an appeal you must say what you disagree with in the decision and give facts or proof that support your view.

The Social Welfare Appeals Office is responsible for checking if a decision made on social welfare entitlements was correct. More information on the process can be found here.

What can I appeal?

You can appeal a decision made by the Department of Social Protection if you think it is not correct. You can view a list of decisions that can be appealed at

Would you like somebody to represent you during the appeal process?

You can have somebody act on your behalf for your appeal. This person is called a representative and must be 18 years of age or over.Your representative could be a family member, a friend, a person from an advocacy organisation, or a person registered with the Decision Support Service.

If you wish to add a representative, you will need to upload a letter giving details of the person you wish to act on your behalf. You will need to give their name, the organisation they work in (if applicable), their postal address, their email address and their phone number. Or you can post the letter with these details to the Social Welfare Appeals Office if you prefer. 

What do I need to make an appeal?

The grounds or reasons for making your appeal

Please give the reasons why you disagree with the decision you are appealing against. 


You must give facts or documents that support your reasons. These should be additional to what you gave to the Deciding Officer who made the decision on your claim.

List of documents providing support for your appeal

List the documents you are uploading to support your reasons for your appeal.

The easiest way to make an appeal is on MyWelfare. You can also make an appeal by post. Visit the website for information on how to make an appeal by post.

Make appeal

You will need a verified MyGovID account to use this service.